The e-Rupee is Rolling Out: Get Ready for a Digital Future

The Reserve Bank of India is proud to announce the launch of the first retail Blockchain-based digital Rupee (e-R) experiment on December 1, 2022. This is a major milestone for the country, and we at Mobiloitte would like to congratulate the Reserve Bank of India on this achievement.

We believe that the launch of this program will go a long way in boosting the adoption of digital currency in the country, and we are looking forward to seeing how it progresses. We are confident that the RBI will be able to successfully implement this program and that it will benefit the people of India in the long run.

The e-Rupee will be a digital version of the Indian Rupee, and it will be available to all Indian citizens. The e-Rupee will be backed by the Reserve Bank of India, and it will be accepted by all banks and financial institutions in the country.

The launch of the e-Rupee is a major step forward for the country, and it will help to boost the economy and bring more financial inclusion. This pilot project will help the RBI assess the feasibility and benefits of introducing a digital version of the Rupee for retail payments.

Something About Indian Rupee:

The Indian rupee is the official currency of the Republic of India. The Reserve Bank of India is the central bank of the country and controls the issuance and supply of currency. The Indian rupee is divided into 100 paise.

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the use of blockchain technology for the issuance and supply of the Indian rupee. Blockchain is a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions.


There are several advantages of using blockchain for the Indian rupee.

  • First, it would help to reduce counterfeiting and fraud. 
  • Second, it would make the currency more secure and transparent. 
  • Third, it would allow for faster and more efficient transactions.
Despite a few challenges, there is a lot of potentials for blockchain to revolutionize the Indian rupee. If successful, it could help to make the currency more secure, transparent, and efficient.

The RBI has been exploring the possibility of launching a digital rupee for some time now. In April 2018, the RBI set up an interdisciplinary committee to study the feasibility of issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The committee’s report, released in October 2019, recommended that the RBI launch a pilot project to test the viability of a digital rupee.

The RBI’s press release on October 31, 2022, stated that the e-R pilot would begin in a month.

The e-Rupee, or electronic Rupee, is a proposed Blockchain-based digital currency that would be used in India. The pilot for this new currency would cover a small number of sites in a closed user group (CUG) of participating customers and retailers. A digital token that could be used as legal tender would represent the e-R. It would be distributed in the same denominations that coins and paper money are now distributed in. It would be distributed through intermediaries like banks.

The e-R would be a welcome addition to the digital world. It would provide a much-needed alternative to the current system, which is cumbersome and leaves much to be desired. The e-R would be a more efficient way of conducting transactions and would be less susceptible to fraud.

Only time will tell if the e-R is a success. However, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct transactions and could eventually replace paper currency altogether.

There are many advantages to using a digital currency like the e-Rupee.

  •  For one, it would be much more difficult to counterfeit than paper currency. It would also help to reduce fraudulent activity since all transactions would be recorded and traceable. 
  • Moreover, it would provide a more efficient way of conducting transactions since there would be no need to physically exchange bills or coins.
  • Of course, there are also some potential risks associated with the e-Rupee.
For example, if the system were to crash or if there were a power outage, then all transactions would come to a halt. There is also the possibility that hackers could gain access to the system and Steal funds. 

Nevertheless, these risks can be mitigated with proper security measures. Overall, the e-Rupee has the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct transactions in India.

̈Users can now transact using e-R’s digital wallet, which is provided by partner banks. P2P and P2M transactions are both possible, so users can pay merchants directly or send money to other e-R users. Everything is done via the mobile app, so it’s super convenient. Plus, with e-R’s partner banks, users can be sure they’re getting the best possible rates. So what are you waiting for? Start using e-R today!

The launch of the e-R pilot is a significant step towards the introduction of a digital rupee in India. It remains to be seen how successful the pilot is and whether the digital Rupee will be launched for all Indian citizens in the future.

Nation-wise implementation of central bank digital currencies. Here are their status and timelines

CBDC is simply the digital form of a country’s fiat currency. So, if you have a US dollar, you can have a corresponding digital dollar. The same goes for other major currencies like the euro or yen.

Countries where CBDCs have been launched:

The Bahamas

The Sand Dollar was introduced by the Central Bank of the Bahamas in October 2022. It was the first CBDC in history to encompass a full nation. The Sand Dollar was designed to replace the Bahamas’ existing fiat currency, and it did so with great success. The Sand Dollar quickly became the most widely used currency in the Bahamas, and it continues to be used there today.


Nigeria established a CBDC in October 2021, becoming the first nation in Africa to do so. The eNaira is held in a digital wallet and can be transferred and used for contactless in-store payments. The CBDC will help to reduce the cost of transactions, increase financial inclusion and improve the efficiency of the payments system.

Eastern Caribbean Union

The governments of seven countries in the Eastern Caribbean have teamed up to create their own digital currency. The goal is to speed up transactions and provide financial services to those who don’t have bank accounts. The seven countries are Antigua and Barbuda, St Kitts, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Lucia, Nevis, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines.

Countries that are testing CBDCs in pilot projects:


Jamaica is on the cutting edge of digital currency, with the government announcing plans to launch a digital Jamaican dollar in 2022. This is a big step forward for the country and its economy, and it will be interesting to see how this new currency develops and grows over time.


Although discussions have been ongoing since 2020, the Bank of Canada still lacks a firm date for the start of the CBDC. It is currently in development. As per the Governor of the Bank of Canada, Tiff Macklem, the central bank is still in the early stages of development, and no concrete decisions have been taken yet.

Countries where CBDCs are in development:


The Indian government has announced that a new digital rupee will be introduced by 2022-23. This new currency will be backed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and will be used alongside the existing physical Rupee.


CBDCs are constantly evolving, and the United States is no exception. In March of this year, the Joe Biden administration signed an Executive Order promoting responsible innovation in the field of digital assets. This is a clear indication that the US is taking a closer look at CBDCs and how they can be used to improve the economy.


The United Kingdom is keeping its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) under research status for the time being without providing a timeline or guaranteeing that it will be adopted in the future. This cautious approach is understandable, given the many potential implications of CBDC.


It is official – Russia is now working on its very own Central Bank-issued digital currency, known as the “Digital Ruble”. This news comes after the initial trials of the CBDC were completed by the Bank of Russia, and two participating banks have already completed full cycles of transactions using mobile banking apps.

This is a major development for Russia, and it could mean that the country is at the forefront of digital currency adoption.

Impact on e-commerce

The e-commerce industry in India is set to receive a boost from the government’s recent decision to legalize digital currencies. This move is expected to promote the use of digital currencies among e-commerce businesses and consumers, thus driving the industry’s growth. Currently, the e-commerce industry in India is worth around $20 billion. 

However, with the legalization of digital currencies, this is expected to increase drastically.

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